Luzhong Stone Co., Ltd.

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Luzhong Stone Co., Ltd.

We can supply you natural millstones for milling coffee,wheat,beans etc. The flavor of stone-milled coffee really is so good."For any kind of milling, the millstone is still considered the best tool.The hardness and porousness of the rock keeps temperature changes to a minimum during milling.Also, since the millstones crush the beans rather than cutting them the ground coffee turns out much differently than that of other coffee grinders.The grounds come out rounded rather than jagged because the process is physically much more gently".To enjoy a really good coffee time, dose not mean to enjoy just a taste."The millstone is a very simple device".Consequently, you have much more direct control over the grinding process .You can control the courseness of the grounds by adjusting the amount of coffe you feed into the mill at once and how fast you turn it.You can also control the character of your coffee through how much force, slippage, shear, and warping you apply. You can create a mellow, relaxing flavor, or a lively forceful flavor. It's up to you.Using the Millstone Coffee Grinder will create coffee with unsurpassed rich aromas and full-bodied flavors.The millstones are also widely used for various purposes of household cooking; for example wet grinding or dispersion of "miso" (bean paste), "tofu" (bean curd), yam, and dry grinding of cayenne pepper, sesame seeds and so on.
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